Who Pays for Our Services?

Hospice of North Carolina’s care is fully covered by Medicare and Medicaid, in which case patients pay nothing… ever.
Hospice of North Carolina care is provided by your hospice team based upon what is called a ‘plan of care.’ That plan will determine the number of visits based on the needs of you and your family. This is why the care - medical, emotional and spiritual – associated with your hospice diagnosis is fully covered under the Medicare and Medicaid hospice benefit.
Hospice of North Carolina also works with a extensive list of private insurers.
- Covers extensive collection of interdisciplinary services plus all medications, medical supplies and medical equipment related to the hospice diagnosis
- Includes routine home care, general inpatient care, respite care and continuous care
- If Medicare is being billed for hospice care, patients can still bill Medicare Part A for any unrelated and pre-existing issues
Hospice of North Carolina is certified by Medicare. People over the age of 65 who are entitled to the services offered by the Medicare Hospice Benefit are fully covered for all of the care related to the terminal illness (and related illness) that is determined medically necessary by the hospice physician.
- Most Medicaid services are known as a “mirror” benefits
- If patients reside in a nursing facility, the facility will continue to receive room and board reimbursements if hospice is chosen
Private Insurance
- If patients do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, private insurance will often cover the associated expenses
- Hospice of North Carolina works with a large and growing number of insurers
- Referrals require prior authorization for hospice services, with which Hospice of North Carolina can help
No one is denied service because of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, diagnosis, or inability to pay for services provided.
As a Hospice of North Carolina Patient, can I Choose to Stop Receiving Services?

Yes. Sometimes a patient’s health improves or their illness goes into remission. Your physician or our Medical Director may feel that you no longer qualify for our care. Also, as a Hospice of North Carolina patient, you may choose to stop receiving care for any reason. If you stop your care, you will receive the type of insurance coverage that you had before electing Hospice of North Carolina’s care, such as the Original Medicare or Medicaid Plan or a Medicare+Choice Plan. If you are eligible, you can return, electing to receive care from Hospice of North Carolina at any time.